June 16, 2011 Is Dave Chappelle returning to TV? First, if this is your first trip to the new site, check it out and please sign up for our newsletter. It'll keep you apprised of what I'm doi... read more
June 13, 2011 The new BomaniJones.com Welcome to the new BomaniJones.com. If I were wired differently, I'd put an exclamation point, but that doesn't sound sexy. Anyway, I went out... read more
April 1, 2011 #BEATEMDOWN Hey hey hey, guess who's selling t-shirts? Old Soul Productions, the little company I have that produces The Morning Jones, has started sellin... read more
March 24, 2011 Prince at the RBC I'm trying to write this quasi-intellectual thing for theloop21.com on the Prince show I went to last night. It's kind of a look at the devalu... read more