Business…here’s a little ditty on Tyler Hansbrough’s mask.
So some clown pulled the fire alarm again last night.  They didn’t require we evacuate this time, but that was ucked fup, baby.  I came in yesterday exhausted and with a splitting headache, and these jokers wanna play like that shit’s funny.  Trust me–it’s not.  Had I it been a real fire, whoever desensitized the staff last night may as well have burned up, too.
Why?  There’s a distincy chance a sixtysomething woman that looks a lot like me and a twentysomething woman, both of whom are foolish enough to love me, would give you yours.  Trust me on that one.
This hotel’s been a trip the last two days.  And I don’t mean that in no good way.
You’d think this place is full of college students or something with this fire alarm stuff and the ridiculous drinking I’ve seen in the lobby.  After last night’s faux fire, I saw old folks on Cootie Brown just swiggin J.D. like it ain’t nothin.  Just lit.
I ain’t mad, but those same people would check out this piece if the same thing was going if they were at a hotel for work and caught a similar CIAA crowd.  I assure you of that.
But it’s all good…a great tournament final’s coming today, and by big brother will be in town soon.  Shawty yay-yuh!