One of my best students has spent the summer in Uganda, and he has kept me apprised of his trip. He’s a hard working cat, definitely dedicated to helping folks out across the globe. One of those folks that makes you wonder what the hell else you could be doing.
Right fast, here are two interesting things he shot me.

First, here’s a really good piece on the G8’s plan to assist African economic development. Prepare for an influx of African bras, perhaps. No telling how effective Live 8 really was, but here’s why it was needed.
Finally, my man sent an e-mail with the following passage. Do with it what you will.
I want to mention that I have found that in extraordinarily dire situations, there are always those extraordinary few people who shine because of their desire and passion to help others. I have met a few of those people here in Uganda, I wrote about one in the last update. I met another woman by coincidence in Kampala, whose parents died when she was 8 and she and her siblings had nothing. Because a woman sponsored her to go to school, she managed to get tops marks in and went to Makerere University (the best school in East Africa) on a full scholarship. After graduating, in 2001, she developed a program called ?Feed my lamb? with the Ugandan diocese. She gathered children in the slums of Kampala who were poor and/or orphans, and
conducted a small informal school where she taught simple English and
provided breakfast and lunch for kids who would otherwise not eat. The program is still strong despite the fact that there are many monetary problems present. At only 24, she has adopted 5 orphans who live with her now and she is trying to find sponsorship for them to go to a formal school. I hope to help her with this.

Best of luck to ’em both.