Business…check this contribution on college football I made to Rushmore Drive’s Black History Month production. I think it’s good (though a quick hitter).
It’s kinda wild doing one of these posts, seeing how I do them so rarely. Used to be one or two a week just for new stuff. Crazy how the game changes, I suppose.
Speaking of the game changing, one thing stays the same…SSP!
Check out the HBO documentary “The Battle for Tobacco Road,” a look at the UNC-Duke rivalry. I’m in it, and I manage to neither embarrass myself or the family name. Considering they caught me on a “candid” day, that’s a miracle. I saw the doc at the premier last week, and it’s really good. Thanks to the director, George Roy, for giving me the call and not leaving my entire carcass on the cutting room floor.
Here’s a trailer.