Just saw Barack Obama on the 5:00 news.  It seems that Hillary Clinton compared herself in Philadelphia to Rocky, saying she’ll fight for the working people.  Ahhh, I so love it when the Democrats remember they have to pretend like they really give a damn about those who earn less than the median income in this country.  It’s adorable.  It really is.
The closest Hillary Clinton will get to being Rocky is making Bullwinkle her running mate.
That said, I ask you join me in peeping the irony in Obama’s response.  “Rocky was a movie.  And so is the idea that somebody can fight for working people and, at the same time, embrace a broken system in Washington.”
Uhhh, Barack…I don’t really believe you either.  Don’t get me wrong–after his speech a couple weeks ago, I’m a fan.  He’s the most impressive politician of my lifetime, and when I’m forced to vote, I won’t even look at voting for him like it’s a default decision.  That would be a new thing.
But here’s why I don’t believe him.  It’s that good Lester Freamon–follow the money.
Check out Hillary’s top donor list.  Now, Obama’s.
Go ahead and tell me who on either list has ever given a flying fuck about the working class.  Take your time.  I’ll wait.
(cleaned the kitchen)
(took a shower)
I’m back.  Did you come up with anything?
Neither of them is fooling me on this front.  I firmly believe that Obama’s heart is in the right place, but his money isn’t.  But you know what?  You won’t get the money selling a good heart.
Politicians, once they reach office, are little more than extensions of their money.  That’s the game.  Hopefully, Obama can find a way to work with these people and still accomplish his lofty, progressive goals (some that even approach populism).
I just know that no one’s ever pulled that off from that high a level.
So no, I don’t believe Barack, either, about being the advocate of the working class.  I think he wants to be.  I’ll still vote for him.  But I’m not gonna trick myself into believing all those things are going to happen.
So why vote for Obama over Hillary, even though I don’t think either will be able to deliver much of what they’re selling once in office?  Because I don’t think Obama’s lying to me.  I think he believes he’s gonna find a way to get it done.  I think he’s wrong, but I appreciate the effort.  He’s a good man.
Hillary’s trying to piss on my head in the guise of rain.  I ain’t too keen on that.