First, I’d like to apologize to J Long for hanging up in his face yesterday. But I told y’all about telling me about the episode before I watched it.
Let’s start with the surprises.
1. Chris and Snoop aren’t in jail. We knew the case with the bodies would get messed up somehow, but I figured bureaucracy would kill it before dead ends would. Those two really are good at killing people.
2. People pay Herc to think. I mean, I don’t know how good a private investigator has to be, but I wouldn’t hire that fool. Now, we gotta find out who he looked up for Levy. I can see bad, bad things happening to Herc this season, considering what seems to be a clear conflict of interest.
3. The political contributions of Fat Face Rick. It’s always been put out there like Stringer and Joe were ahead of the curve with the politics stuff, but it seems the entire co-op is deep in the game. Also of note–the situation with the strip club immediately made me think of the Gold Club case in Atlanta.
4. The fall of McNulty is already in progress. We knew Jimmy was going to crash, but I didn’t think the building action would take place between seasons. One of the best things about The Wire is how much stuff happens while the cameras aren’t rolling, but I didn’t think that much would go on with him before we got back to him. It’s like McNulty from Season Three just jumped here, like Season Four never happened. I’m okay with that.
Now, things I kinda saw coming…
1. Carcetti’s a chump. We knew he’d sell out, but he’s sold out so blatantly. Coming out and asking about stats? Bad look for him.
2. The case against Clay Davis is being pressed. I figure this is what’ll bring Avon back. This had to be done. I just wanna get a good couple of “sheeeeeeeits” outta this.
3. Marlo’s going straight at Prop Joe. Who ever thought Marlo would just lay low and play his part? That ain’t happening, and it’s going to create some very, very interesting scenarios. I don’t think he can get at Joe, but Marlo’s proven to be smarter than anyone’s realized at every point. He laughs at underestimation. But Joe rolls with the Greeks, and they’ve got incentive to keep things the way they are.
4. Michael’s on his way up. First, it was a trip that Marlo gave him his own corner from the beginning, but Michael’s commanding his respect. His ascent is clearly underway.
5. Chris is up on Sergei. We knew Marlo told his people to find out about the Greeks, but getting up on Sergei showed a special level of investigation. How did they know that? Is Marlo too close for his own good? Is there any way he could go around the co-op, seeing how he couldn’t buy enough dope to get a better rate than he would with the co-op?
Now, what I’m waiting on…
1. When do the Greeks come back? You know they won’t get tied up in anything really connected to the street, but we know they’ll be back. How? Great question. Too bad there won’t be any Sobotkas around to join the party (unless you actually think Ziggy Sobotka lived more than three weeks in jail).
2. Will Davis dime out the mayor? It’s coming. You know it is.
3. Where’s Omar? He never re-emerges until the second or third episode–usually the third–but I can’t see how he can walk the streets now. There won’t be any meetings and sit-downs with Marlo. He’s in the worst situation he’s been in thus far. Unlike the Barksdales, Marlo’s people are still out there. Chris can’t get him, but Michael certainly can (and he just thinks Michael’s “a kid,” far as we know so far).
4. When Omar comes back, will he live? Had a heated discussion about this with my man Funzo, and he noted a passage in “The Corner” where Simon says stick up boys only live about two or three years once they get in the game. Well, Omar’s defied that greatly already. But he can’t live through this season. Can he?
5. What big story will The Sun bring up and fail with? I’m guessing the campaign trail is going to lead them to B&B Enterprises, but there’s the story about the bodies. I dont’ think there’s room for meda exploration of both, so it’s one or the other.
6. When will Daniels be disgraced? Those days in the Eastern? They’re gonna come out. Daniels can never cross Burrell, and I see that coming up somehow. Possibly when Carcetti tries to fire Burrell to save face for the crime problem.
7. Where’s Bunny? Saw him in the pre-show. Wonder how that’ll come up.
8. What’s McNulty going to do? It’s gonna be big. I can’t wait.
9. What bad is going to happen to Dukie? Seeing him on the corner last season was bad enough. You know that ain’t the end of the downward spiral, though.
That’s what I’ve got for now. Thought the episode was a classic setup for what comes next, and I’m oh so excited. City Hall’s going to fall apart. The dope co-op, which hopes to accomplish the almost impossible task of breeding cooperation in a cutthroat business, is strained. The cops might go on strike. Avon’s gonna be involved. Omar comin’.