So I got out of an appointment to be greeted by a text message from my girlfriend saying the world’s about to end.  And why?
Somebody made a song totally about lip gloss.  I’ve never heard it, but we found out it’s by some character named Lil’ Mama.  Surprisingly, someone going by the name Lil’ Mama isn’t Southern.  She’s from Brooklyn.
Here are the lyrics.  Check them out, for they will be relevant for one of my questions.
1.  Have we officially run out of things to rap about?  I’m all for people rapping about what they know…but lip gloss?
2.  In the song, Lil’ Mama says that her lip gloss makes “boys keep jockin.”  Now, maybe I’m not hip to what they’re in to in high school.  But when did the day come when lip gloss is what made dudes try to holla in high school?  I find it strange that, in an age when pretty much any explicit image is one click away, when 16 looks too much like the new 21, lip gloss is what makes dudes get at girls.  Am I missing something here?
Back to my battle with deadline.  I’m around.