Business…here’s a ditty on some of the “geniuses” of football.
My goal for today is to finish 100 pages of King of the World, a Pulitzer-winning bio of Ali.  I just don’t see that happening, though.  Oh well.
Quick music rec–the new Sleepy Brown.  Good listen, and he brings back two of my favorites from the last couple years: “I Can’t Wait” and “Me, My Baby, and My Cadillac” from the highly underrated Got Purp?.
I’m also getting word that message boards on Miami and Carolina football feature many users rooting against their teams.  It might be to the point where you won’t know who’s a fan of what team just based on what they wear and say.  My guess?  31-3, Miami.
I also got a couple of notes about the way I described the pain people frequently feel when they college they attend plays against the one they grew up rooting for.  They were happy I was able to articulate a prevalent, but rarely discussed, phenomenon.  If you dug it, thank you kindly.
And now I go to enjoy my off day.  Thursday is my Sunday.  Cuz that’s fun day.  My I don’t have to run day.