Cuz I do. If you don’t, forget you. And your moms. And the horse you rode in on.
Having to work isn’t so bad. But when your car dies in a city you don’t live in on a holiday weekend when you have to work and the car fixing people don’t, then life’s no good. Had to rent a car to drive up here and teach the kids. Tomorrow, I’ll be driving back to get my car, then driving bakc up here to teach on Wednesday. Will I be exhausted? Oh yes.
But that’ll be better than how I felt when I got out the car, when the Whopper I got from a Burger King somewhere in South Carolina hit me with a barrage of body blows. Ran to the bathroom and wasn’t sure where to put what. So all bad, man.
And my computer’s still broken? Thank goodness my buddy Ernesto–not the hurricane–is letting me borrow his lapper. But I gotta give that back today.
Your boy really can’t win. He just can’t.
Well, yes I am winning. Cuz even with all that happening, still had a ball in Atlanta. And since the car died before I could go to any grownup establishments, I’ve actually got some dough still in my pockets! Hooray malfunctioning Bomobile!
Anyhow, back to preparing my lecture and getting ready to go back to Atlanta. At least I was able to get a Charger for a dub a day.
September 4, 2006