Dear Mike,
I seem to recall you talking about the goodness of the Big 12 North. In fact, let’s go quote you.
“although like i said colorado is looking nice”
Were they really?

Well, they looked like they got beat 45-17. Looked like they let Vince throw for more than 300 yards and two touchdowns. He ran for three more.
What was that about the Big 12 North? That was the best the Big 12 North had to offer? And weren’t some of your friends stuck playing for one of those loser schools in the North? Poor, poor guy you are. And didn’t the Horns give some to your Missouri Tigers a couple of weekends ago?
Help me out. I’m just checking. But didn’t you say I needed to worry about that game? When did you abandon that? Was it before it was 35-3 in the first half?
But I know what you’re thinking, assuming you know those stats you said I needed to check. Chances are you’re going to say that Texas did the same thing to Colorado in 2001, only to lose to them in the Big 12 championship. Check your history, though. In that game in Austin that year, Colorado was playing with its second string quarterback. In the championship game, the starter returned. Unfortunately for the Horns, Chris Simms was still starting. Also, Cedric Benson was hurt during that championship game, which really messed things up.
Oh, and the Buffs still only won by two points.
So it seems we’re on track to be, as you say, the runner-ups in the Rose Bowl. But did you see the tough time SC had against Notre Dame? Notre Dame is inferior to Texas at every position but offensive coordinator (that Weis is onto something), and they gave USC a serious run and would have won had Leinart gotten lucky enough to fumble. That is the first time that fumble and lucky have been used in the same sentence, but it’s real.
But more than that, did you see how Notre Dame played USC? They ran a ball control offense to keep the ball away from Southern Cal’s offense. Didn’t I tell you that was the way to beat Southern Cal? Did you see how effective it was? The Trojans showed some serious heart and moxie and they deserved to win, but the formula is out there.
What’ll it be like against a team that can rotate in four running backs and a quarterback that could gain about ten pounds and be an undersized defensive end. Gain twenty and he’d just be a defensive end.
However, there’s that whole Reggie Bush issue. I told people yesterday that Mr. Bush would be better than Barry Sanders, and I’m still saying that. He’s as fast, if not faster than Sanders. He’s stronger. He hits holes faster. He’s got moves that are comparable, though it’s difficult for me to say that anyone’s got better moves than Barry Sanders. Plus, he’s taller and a better receiver. In fact, he’s good enough that he would be a wide receiver in the league.
That’s gonna be nothin’ nice to contend with. Good thing he doesn’t play in the Big 12 North!
But at least we’ve got Mr. Michael Huff to contend with him. He did a number on Ted Ginn, but it seems that everyone else has done the same this year. Even still, we’ve got a decent matchup.
SC is clearly not unbeatable, and Texas is way way way way way way way way better than Notre Dame. Unlike ND, the Horns have beaten a team in the Top 25. We’ve also won a home game, unlike the Irish.
But let me wrap this up, Mike. Which of those Big 12 North powerhouses are you hitching your wagon to?
Hook deez,