…you all will have to forgive me. Every now and then, I put a link up that I haven’t read nearly well enough for whatever reason. Today’s reason is that I was working on about three hours sleep. I figured that ol’ Bill was talking moreso about what Levitt discussed, which was basically that drops in crime rates post-1973 could be attributed to Roe v. Wade. That’s bogus for the reasons in the last post.
Inexplicably, I really managed to not tell that this bastard actually said that crime would drop by aborting all black babies.
Wow, Bill…you went there. You really did.

Bennett can’t get a rise out of me. He’s Bill Bennett, and this is what he does. He actually was on the anti-gangsta rap crusade with C. Dolores Tucker about ten years ago. Those two knuckleheads were the strangest set of political bedfellows ever. And I really do mean ever. This ain’t nothin’ on Clinton and Dole playing golf together, believe you me.
Anyway, I can’t get emotional about him because he just says dumb shit like this all the time. It should be noted that he is the former secretary of Education, which should explain a lot about why the schools black kids have to attend are generally shitty. There will be little investment in something with little expected return, so what do you think happened when the federal body that oversees these things thinks black kids are better off dead? That’s right, folks.
By the way, it’s cats like Bennett that make the right so untrustworthy to many black people.
Anyway, the theory is stupid. Two most significant variables that cause crime, if I’m not mistaken, are population density and poverty. It just so happens that black people are primarily urbanized these days and poorer than white folks. With substandard skills of deduction, you could easily say that black folks are the cause of crime. You would also be a moron.
No study I’ve seen on this phenomenon has had nearly enough controls to hold water. Or, as I like to say it, “they’re off on that Bell Curve.” That’s what this really comes down to.
I guess we could stand on tables and say, “goodness! Bill Bennett’s a racist!” After that, we could marvel at how the sky is blue. Next, we’ll call Flavor Flav dark-skinned.
Not sure what the good is in stating the obvious.
Guess that’s it. Forgiveness for me being a little slack this morning. Just got rushed in making sure we had a post for today. Prince songs 26-50 coming Monday.