Yeah, so I ain’t leaving until tomorrow. See, what ha-happened was…

…what ha-happened was actually pretty tragic. As a few of you know, I went out and bought a laptop in November. It’s casually known as the Brain of Bomaniland, the control center that keeps everything operational at the house and keeps me productively entertained. Simply put, it’s my baby (more on that later). Well, I can’t turn my baby on.
What I mean is that there is some problem with the power on the thing, and it won’t power up. So, I had to send the thing off to Dell yesterday to get some work done. But, seeing how I have a deadline tomorrow (Hi Roxanne and/or Eleanor, if you’re reading), I gotta stay here and get it done, so I’ll probably be skipping out tomorrow.
No, really. I’ve gotta clean out of my office. And, International Baba Day is fast approaching–Friday, Friday, Friday–so we need to start scheduling some festivities, dig? Bull City, Stand Up if you’ve got some ideas.
Either way, being without the lapper pointed something out that I didn’t realize. Dude, I’m a fuckin’ workaholic.
I am literally on my computer from the time I wake up–usually around 7–until I go to sleep–1 or so. Granted, much of that time is spent dallying (can you tell my new e-mail buddy lives in Iowa?), but the majority of it is spent reading, casually researching, and writing when it all starts to make sense to me. Fourteen hours on a given day really isn’t much for me.
And that just dawned on me. I must really love what I do, man. And it’s yet to stress me out totally.
So, in the name of work, I’ve gotta do one more day here. I did get to see the godson yesterday, so it’s all good with me. Hang a little more with the nephew before I get out of here, one last stop on campus, hang out with JR a little more, and more pancakes from The Beautiful.
I didn’t get a Braves game in, though. That should change, shouldn’t it?
Either way, to the grind I go. Check back later, for I think I’ve got something on Page 2 going up today.