That’s me and frequent commenter Fred Batiste, A Weapon of Mass Destruction on Sunday morning. When that’s the most open your eyes will get at 9am on the last day of a conference, you done did the damn thang, shawty.

Now, I promised NABJ stories. I figured I’d be able to do one Monday post on the conference and be done with it, but we’ve got a dilemma or two. First, there were so many stories to come up that I could probably do full posts every day this week. Luther showed up, ahd he’s got some things to say, too.
Second, I can’t say too much because I was throwing business cards around like confetti, so there’s absolutely no telling who’s reading, and I make a habit of not saying anything on here that I wouldn’t be willing to say in someone’s face if given the opportunity. The Code is always to be respected, even when dealing with strangers.
(Also, the set-up on the site will be changing soon. I need to add a splash page–Hi George!–and I need to put up a bio and a place to showcase some clips. The site’s gotten more bloggy than my original intention–which isn’t a bad thing–but I need to add more stuff.)
Either way, I’m figuring I’ll sprinkle some stories in here this week while talking about other things. The WMD, Chandingo, and I even sat down in the Marriott at 6 in the morning and listed essential points of discussion AND a few categories that those things fell under. Those categories include…
Did You See That?
Time Mellows a Brother
Things That Only Seem to Happen with Bo and Fred are together
Celebrity Sightings
And there’s even more stuff than that. That someone like me, a writer that thinks parsimony is the most important skill to have on the keyboard, is unable to whittle down the list of noteworthy things below 22 items should tell you everything.
And all of this took place over the course of three days.
So here’s how we’re going to do this–there probably will be five posts on this. I’ll send notifications out for those posts. Other posts will probably not have their own notifications. From there, you can peruse as you see fit. There will one post called “Awkwardly Golden,” and that one’s essential reading for anyone that’s young in the game and hasn’t attended one of these conferences before. I had not before this, but I learned something on the fly that I think a ot of folks could get something out of knowing.
And I’m gone for now. Actually, I’ll be composing Part I of the recap.
Maybe I need to get this inability to sleep checked out. Or not. What fun is sleeping if you don’t dream?