Got here Thursday night. Came pretty close to dying on Friday. Felt like I was going to die on Saturday. And I might die today.

Friday morning, I drove out to Sealy to see one of my teachers from high school. That was great. She’s always been good to me, and it was a trip to be able to see her now that we’re all grown. She even keeps one of my senior pictures up on her mantle. Had me a lil choked up.
Seuss, his roommate, and I went to a spot on Friday night that I’d heard halfway decent things about. We get there, and I noticed a couple of bad things. For one, cats were wearing jerseys. Bad news. No dress code? I’m not a fan.
They also didn’t pat me down. My ID was not checked, either. Bad, bad, bad news. I saw two or three fights start, but they were all broken up…by friends of the combatants. Security was nowhere to be found. What’s really good? It ain’t that club, lemme tell ya.
Woke up the next morning and wasn’t feeling too well…that turned into the full-on flu. Clearly, this city’s heard all the bad things I’ve said about it over the past eight years. Luckily, I’m probably just one dose of NyQuil away from being back in the game. Whew.
More coming soon…I need rest and now.