Shouts out to Conrad Miller, who has contributed the following piece on the benefits of melanin. Conrad’s a senior in high school in Claremont, CA, and he would be one of the baddest writers you ever met if he didn’t want to sell his soul and work with math his whole life. But, I was on that kick back in ’97, so he may come around just fine.
Really, he’s written things at seventeen that I wish I could write today. Check that piece out, and you can hit him up with praise at conradm at gmail dot com. Also, feel free to offer your benefits of melanin on the comments board. And if you’re like me and think he should do more with words, let him know. This requires that you have Adobe Acrobat.
And to other writers without a major outlet, feel free to send me a link and I’ll put it up here if it’s that heat. School paper, your boy’s website, I don’t care. I got a feeling these good readers like good writing, no matter where it came from.
January 24, 2005