One year ago today, I posted for the first time. While the world’s axis is still tilted from this earth-shattering, almost apocalypti event, everything’s still spinning like normal. Either way, I figured I’d do a brief synopsis of some of the interesting things that have happened in the last year, and Luther and I will do so using some old posts. If you’re new to Virtual Bomaniland, welcome to my lil’ time machine.

July 18, with the big help of George Kelly, I got Virtual Bomaniland up and running. Not too long after that, a white man called Condi Rice a house nigger. I thought that was funny.
In August, I took a trip to visit my best friend. If you’re a weeper, be careful about reading this one.
Late September, I bought a house. To commemorate that, I wrote my first short play.
Tragic world events then forced a e-conference in which it was proposed that the G-Code be written for posterity. We must follow up on that, folks.
Luther and I also went to see Alan Keyes. I’ll let Luther tell you about that.

Serena Williams didn’t say something stupid. Carmelo Anthony did
The previously mentioned offender wiped his feet on the G-Code again.
Reggie White passed away. ‘Til the other side, my man.
Plans began to erect a Mt. Rushmore honoring cool white men from across the world.
A great philosophical question was pondered–would you take a hot one for Beyonce?
Conrad Miller, who just turned 18, showed how much better would be if someone else was writing it. The kid’s got the gift, I swear. His joint on the benefits of melanin is fantastic.
Aden and I coached a rec league team called the Dutch Masters. If you haven’t seen this, don’t miss it.
Valentine’s Day came, providing the world with a playlist for nearly every occasion.
The world had to be warned about Roland Fryer. Hi Roland. Hope all is well with you.
Puffy had to pay extra child support. Something tells me his lady did that with a platinum shovel.
A stranger trampled on the G-Code. Buddy’s name is Rasheed, or so he said. If you haven’t read this, you really won’t want to miss it.
And Roland Fryer had to get it a bit more formally. Please disseminate this link if you dig it.
And that’s a quick recap of one year at this bizarre outpost. Hope you enjoy it.
Spent the weekend attending a conference of non-Caucasoid economists. ‘Twas a good time. Shouts to Rod Prime, who has requested that a post be made on making what he calls “a Kobe call.”
I’ll oblige. And no, it probably won’t require talking about about the Bean.