November 17, 2009 Shaniya Davis and the world we live in Now that Shaniya Davis' body has been found, the chorus of "what is this world coming to?" has begun. Before you sing your part, I've got a q... read more
November 16, 2009 For more information on sickle cell One of my good friends lost his wife Saturday night. She fought sickle cell for a long time, and this weekend was the last fight she had in h... read more
November 13, 2009 Barnes Recruitment Like No Other Today was the official end of Funemployment. That's not to say I'd like to borrow some money. I want you to give it to me. Stop laughing. W... read more
November 9, 2009 Is my laptop bad for me? As many of you know, I'm on the computer all the time. That's partially because I'm a workaholic of sorts, but hey...I'm funemployed! Less com... read more