August 26, 2008
International Baba Day Radio
As a few of you know, today is the 28th commemoration of International Baba Day.  And while it's great to make it to another year, I must also...
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August 25, 2008
International Rule #4080???
Oh boy, as if those Nigerian e-mail scams weren't bad enough, now we've got the strangest quasi-justification ever. Professor Olu Agbi said "g...
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August 12, 2008
Bernie Mac was a really big deal
So I'm watching Larry King right now, and it's a tribute to Bernie Mac.  Had this been ten years ago, would you have dreamed that Bernie "The ...
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August 10, 2008
First Bernie Mac.  Now Isaac Hayes.  Jet's gonna have to put out a double issue. Til the other side to both.  In honor of Black Moses, I offer...
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