November 11, 2007 How I found out... This isn't earth-shattering to me personally, but it's an interesting story. I'm still in California, and I was at a friend's house hanging wi... read more
November 9, 2007 Odds and ends from the road Greetings from O'Hare International, where the signs all through the concourse gave the false impression that the Wi-Fi in the airport is free... read more
November 6, 2007 Haven't done this in a while...'s my look at Jigga's American Gangster. Advance SSP...I'll be doing a chat tomorrow at 1 EST. Join me for all the fun. Many o... read more
November 5, 2007 Updates I did the Jump this morning. Figured I should mention that. Been buried under the keyboard lately. Just got done editing a piece on Jay-Z's ... read more